SoTL – Dissemination by UABS’s PTFs

Publications of  UABS Professional Teaching Fellows (PTFs)

Albashiry, N. (2019). The need for curriculum leadership to sustain systematic and collaborative curriculum design practices. In Collaborative curriculum design for sustainable innovation and teacher learning (pp. 347-364). Springer, Cham.

Albashiry, N. M., Voogt, J. M., & Pieters, J. M. (2015). Improving curriculum development practices in a technical vocational community college: examining effects of a professional development arrangement for middle managers. The Curriculum Journal26(3), 425-451.

Carrie, D. G., Mulla, P., Patterson, A., Kilkolly-Proffit, M., Brookes, R., Sima, H., & Agee, T. (2017). Adding value to first-year undergraduate marketing education: team-based learning as a strategic response to changing modern educational environments. Journal of Strategic Marketing25(2), 138-151.

Geertshuis, S., Liu, Q., Rix, N., Murdoch, O., & McConnell, M. (2021). Learning by watching others learn: the use of videoed tutorials in undergraduate business education. Higher Education Pedagogies, 6(1), 156-174. doi:10.1080/23752696.2021.1916980

Geertshuis, S., Rix, N., Murdoch, O., & liu, Q. (2021). Learning by Watching Others Learn: Vicarious Learning from Videoed Tutorials. In D. Gedera, & A. Zalipour (Eds.), Video Pedagogy Theory and Practice (1 ed., pp. 103-122). Singapore: Springer Nature.

Geertshuis S, Lewis N. Future Ready Graduates. Mar 2020. AKO, Wellington (Report)

Geertshuis, S., & Albashiry, N. (2018). Mapping and embedding graduate profile capabilities in the tertiary curriculum with the support of an online mapping tool. In Tertiary Education Research 2018. Wellington, NZ. Retrieved from

Geertshuis, S., Cameron, B., & Liu, Q. (2016). Shape shifting in higher education: Contrasting conceptions of academics, their development and the roles academic developers play. In The Business & Management Review Vol. 8 (pp. 12-23). Cambridge, UK . Retrieved from

Geertshuis, S. A., Sadera, E., Collie, L., Owens, T., Rae, A., & Albashiry, N. (2015). Supporting best practice in curriculum development. In Tertiary Education Research New Zealand. Auckland. Retrieved from

Hawe, E., Lightfoot, U., & Dixon, H. (2019). First-year students working with exemplars: Promoting self-efficacy, self-monitoring and self-regulation. Journal of Further and Higher Education43(1), 30-44.

Lewis, N., & Geertshuis, S. A. (2018). Innovation in teaching for employability. In Tertiary Education Reserach New Zealand. Wellington. Retrieved from

Smith, P., & Carrie, D. (2004). Mike’s Bikes: Net Mike Version. Simulation & Gaming35(4), 527-529.

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