A vibrant start to the second half

A vibrant start to the second half

By: Lyn Collie

During the first half of the year, this blog has been devoid of new content. The introduction of Canvas has kept those of us engaged in communication on all things learning and teaching in the Business School pretty busy. Some of you may also have noticed that ILT’s social media accounts are now far more active than they’ve ever been, and that takes a bit of time and TLC.

Canvas implementation underway!

Canvas implementation underway!

We’ve been talking a lot about Canvas, the University of Auckland’s new learning management system this year. Learn Do Share 2015 was devoted entirely to it and there have been numerous email updates, particularly around training, as well as training itself. The roll-out is going well with many staff having attended training and moving towards course design for 2016. But what can we look forward to?